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What do I do if I Have a Student With a Disability?

College policy does not allow faculty to offer accommodations to students without written authorization from ADS. Faculty will include in their class syllabus each semester the following statement:

Students with medical, psychological, learning or other disabilities desiring accommodations or services under ADA, should contact Accessibility and Disability Services (ADS). The ADS department determines eligibility for and authorizes the provision of these accommodations and services for the college. Please contact ADS at the Student Center, Suite 244, Redwood Campus, 4600 So. Redwood Rd, 84123. Phone: (801) 957-4659, TTY: 957-4646, Fax: 957- 4947 or by

For more information, please visit the SLCC Accessibility and Disability Services website or call the Taylorsville Redwood Campus at 801-957-4659 or the South City Campus at 801-957-3258.

Faculty are encouraged to read and follow the College's policy regarding classroom learning environment.

ADA Accommodations for Faculty and Staff

Please note: The Disability Resource Center provides service only to students and assists with accommodations for college events which might be attended by students.

Full time faculty, adjunct faculty, full time staff, hourly staff members, work study and other personnel who have disabilities and desire accommodations under ADA, for themselves, must apply for assistance through Human Resources. All inquiries as to services and procedures should be directed to Patti Williams at HR. She will make a determination as to eligibility, authorize accommodations and coordinate their implementation with the relevant department.

Physical access to or within buildings, parking and grounds is the responsibility of the ADA Coordinator.

Handicapped parking and applications for special parking permits are handled through Parking Services.