Academic Leadership
Taylorsville Redwood Campus
Academic and Administration Building (AAB), Room 364
4600 S Redwood Road
Salt Lake City, UT 84123

Jason Pickavance, PhD
Interim Provost for Academic Affairs and Chief Academic Officer

Gay H. Whetman
Administrative Assistant

Suzanne Mozdy
Interim Associate Provost for Academic Operations

David Hubert, PhD
Associate Provost for Learning Advancement

Rachel Divine Lewis
Associate Provost, Academic Systems

Beth Colosimo
Executive Director for Business Development Resources
Academic Deans

Jenni Abbott, EdD
Acting Associate Vice President, Salt Lake Technical College and School of Technical and Professional Specialties

Richard Scott
Dean, School of Arts, Communication and Media

Trish Gorman
Dean, Gail Miller School of Business

Robert Pettitt, PhD
Dean, School of Health Sciences

Roderic Land, PhD
Dean, School of Humanities & Social Sciences

Craig Caldwell, PhD
Dean, School of Science, Mathematics & Engineering