Appendix 10: Co-Op Course Compensation
PDFThe role of the faculty in a cooperative education arrangement (Co-op course with a course number of 2000) is to be involved in the training of a member of the industry's future workforce. In most cases, the faculty is involved in the development of program objectives and will participate in the grading process. Through interaction with the cooperative education student and the employer, the faculty member outlines objectives that will allow for additional learning of valuable skills needed by the employer. In addition, the faculty member can gather important information about the skills needed in real world employment positions, learn the needs of employers in particular industries, and receive feedback about our educational programs from employers. Due to the relatively low number of students who register for Co-op classes in any one discipline the following alternative compensation model is to be used.
Faculty assigned to teach a Co-op class shall be compensated at the rate of overload pay under the following schedule:
- One student = 1.0 instructional unit
- Two students = 1.5 instructional units
- Three students = 2.0 instructional units
- Four students = 2.5 instructional units
- Five students = 3.0 instructional units
- Six students = 3.5 instructional units
- More than six students = 4.0 instructional units
Instructional units for teaching co-op classes shall be added to the faculty load worksheet and compensated under the same rates and methods currently deployed for adjunct faculty. Co-op courses are not eligible for unique preps in the faculty load.