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faculty association president headshotHowdy All,

Thank you for your membership in SLCC's Faculty Association. I took the job as the President this year in order to continue the essential work of shared governance at SLCC and I am doing and will do a lot of work towards this goal. However, I cannot do it alone: I will need all of you - your voices and work so we can move towards a more just, equitable and collaborative work environment for all folks here. Please be an active (mouthy!) part of FA - we need you! Right now we have one open position on the FA Executive Board: Faculty-at-Large (a vital member of Discussion Team). Please email me ( if you are interested in that position.

Our theme this year is "You are not alone." Come work with us, walk shoulder to shoulder with us. We have your back!

Kristen Taylor
President, SLCC Faculty Association

Suggestion Box

Do you have a suggestion, question, concern or praise to share with the Faculty Association? Submit your information anonymously or include your contact information if you prefer to receive follow-up from the FA leadership team.

Suggestion Box


Your benefits for joining are essential to your work. Faculty Association advocates for your salary, raises, rank advancement, fair treatment, workload, sick leave, medical benefits, retirement benefits, and more.
Full-time faculty dues are minimal, only $2 auto-withdrawal per paycheck. The dues pay attorneys who advise and support FA faculty, two scholarships for students, member supplies, and more. Adjunct faculty dues are optional.
Faculty Association meetings are held on the third Wednesday of every month (from September through April) from 2:30 until 4:30 p.m. Attendance is optional, but if you want your voice to be heard, the Faculty Association general meeting is the place to make it happen. Check the Canvas site for up-to-date information on meeting locations, live stream links, agendas, and meeting minutes.

Faculty Association and Faculty Senate are the two largest faculty governing bodies at the college. The Faculty Senate is a parliamentary body composed of faculty representatives from various Schools and departments. The Faculty Association requires full-time and adjunct faculty to opt in for participation.

Faculty Association Faculty Senate
Membership Full-time faculty who join and are current dues paying members. Adjunct faculty who join and dues are optional. Faculty nominated to represent their colleagues from various Schools and departments at the College.
Oversight Salaries, raises, rank advancement, fair treatment, work load, days required to work, sick leave, vacation, medical benefits, life insurance, retirement benefits and more. Curriculum development, bylaws for Senate subcommittees i.e. General Education, Tenure, etc.

To join Faculty Association, adjunct faculty and full-time faculty must fill out and submit the form below. Please send all questions to

Join the Faculty Association!