Annual Faculty Awards
The nomination and/or application process for all SLCC faculty awards and grants (that may be managed by different offices/programs/departments) hold to the utmost respect and privacy of the applicant, nominator and/or nominee, by the nomination committee or administrator(s), to assure a thorough, honest, and impartial consideration. Anyone at SLCC can nominate anyone eligible for the award, including yourself. The same person can be nominated for multiple awards. All awards are determined by the past academic year to the present.
Annual Faculty Awards
This annual award is given by the SLCC Foundation Board to recognize outstanding performance in teaching at Salt Lake Community College by both full-time and adjunct faculty.
The SLCC Foundation provides a substantial dollar award along with valuable and heart-felt SLCC-wide recognition of teaching excellence at SLCC. The Teaching Excellence Award reflects a cumulative body of teaching excellence including a sound understanding of teaching practice and successful work with students. Awards are given to full-time and adjunct faculty. All members of the SLCC College community - students, faculty members, staff, and administrators - are invited to nominate a faculty member. This award is managed by the Faculty Teaching & Learning Center and the Office of the Provost For more information and questions, please contact Alia Criddle, Interim Director of the Faculty Teaching and Learning Center at
- The award should reflect a cumulative body of teaching excellence rather than just a single year of fine work.
- Teaching excellence encompasses professionalism both within the classroom and in service to the department, division, College, and community.
- Applications should include support from those most knowledgeable about a faculty member's professional effectiveness – students, faculty colleagues, and academic administrators.
- Applications should reflect the support of the faculty member's department colleagues and academic administrators.
- The review process should reflect the considered involvement and judgment of faculty colleagues and academic administrators.
- Full-time faculty must have completed at least three academic years and adjunct faculty must have completed at least six semesters of teaching experience at SLCC by the end of the Fall semester in which they are nominated.
- Previous award winners are not eligible.
The Teaching Excellence Award process is divided into two phases:
- First, the nomination process where students, fellow faculty, and staff are encouraged to nominate excellent faculty
- Second, the nominee completes the application process. Details will be provided to the nominee by December 13, 2024. Applications will be due by February 3, 2025.
If you would like to nominate an amazing, excellent teacher, use the nomination form below. (Self-nominations are welcome)
Applications should be submitted by the announced deadline and adhere to the following process:
- The Faculty Senate and Faculty Association announces to the College community in the Fall semester of the academic year that nominations are open and written guidelines are available.
- All members of the College community are eligible to nominate a faculty member; faculty can also nominate themselves.
- Nominees submit an application through the office of the Faculty Teaching and Learning Center.
- The application will include 3 or 4 parts:
Part 1: Application
In 2 - 3 pages, respond to the following prompts:1. Describe your teaching philosophy. How do you approach teaching and learning? What core principles guide your interactions with students? Explain how your teaching philosophy has evolved over time.
2. Detail the teaching methods and strategies you use in the classroom. How do these methods enhance student engagement and learning?
3. Provide examples of how you adapt your teaching practices to meet the needs of the most diverse student body in the state of Utah. How do you ensure inclusivity for all students in your classroom?
4. Share examples of professional activities and scholarship pertinent to your application for the SLCC Teaching Excellence Award.
In addition to the above, full-time faculty applicants should respond to the following prompts:
5. Describe any curriculum development or innovative teaching practices you have implemented. How have these contributions improved the educational experience for students?
6. Share any other examples of outstanding service to the department, division, College and community pertinent to your application for the SLCC Teaching Excellence Award.
Submit your 2-3 page application as a single pdf file.
- Part 2: Student Comments and Support
- Submit 1-2 pages of student comments and support as a single pdf file.
Submit evidence of student evaluation scores that reflect student confidence in the faculty member as a teacher. You may also include student comments from course evaluations or other communication with students or letter(s) of support from students.
- Submit 1-2 pages of student comments and support as a single pdf file.
- Part 3: Letters of Recommendation
- Submit 2-3 letters of recommendation from faculty colleagues, administrators, and/or staff, combined into a single pdf file. One letter must be from an academic administrator and must speak to the applicant’s effective collaboration and relationships with colleagues.
- Part 4 (Optional): Video or audio file
- Nominees may submit a 3–5-minute video or audio file (mp4) in support of their application.
- A review committee comprised of five faculty representatives and two academic administrators from across the disciplines will screen all applications to ensure that they meet minimums and to document all nominations received. Applications are also reviewed by HR to make sure the faculty member is in good standing. The review committee will define a process for evaluating the applications and will forward the appropriate list of qualifying faculty to the SLCC Foundation for review and final selection.
Teaching Excellence Award Timeline
Call for Nominations announcement | Fall Semester |
Nominations Due | December (Reading Day) |
Applications Due | First week of February |
SLCC Review Committee | Second week of February (Spring Semester) |
SLCC Foundation reviews nominations and selects award recipients | Last two weeks of February (Spring Semester) |
SLCC Development Office notifies recipients, the Provost, the office of Faculty Development, Institutional Marketing and individuals not selected | Before Spring Break |
Distinguished Faculty Lecturer
Every year the college community comes together to hear about the exciting work of one of its faculty. The Distinguished Faculty Lecturer is both a recognition of quality work by one of our full-time faculty and also a charge to develop that work over the course of an academic year into a public presentation that might take the form of a lecture, demonstration, or performance. The lecture typically takes place in April each year, and the recipient is recognized at Commencement.
Application Process
Applications for the Distinguished Faculty Lecturer are solicited a year in advance. Each December, the Faculty Teaching & Learning Center puts out a call for applications for the Distinguished Faculty Lecturer, and a committee composed predominantly of faculty choose among the applications. The chosen applicant will be the Distinguished Faculty Lecturer in the following spring, giving them a year in which to complete their project and polish their presentation.
The Current Distinguished Faculty Lecturer
Melissa Hardy, PhD
Associate Professor of Biology
Dr. Melissa Hardy is an Associate Professor of Biology at SLCC. She joined SLCC’s faculty in 2011 and has taught and designed courses in general biology, ecology, animal biology, and marine biology. One of her favorite pedagogical practices is facilitating undergraduate research experiences. Additionally, Melissa is deeply committed to developing and disseminating open educational resources so that students can save money and have a better educational experience.
Melissa’s talk, “Biocurious: The Power of Curiosity in an Age of Assessment,” will be an antidote to the recent trend in higher education to streamline and standardize curriculum, which often prioritizes the needs of institutions over the needs of students. She describes her lecture this way:
How do we combat this trend? My lecture will focus on reigniting the natural curiosity of our students. We are here to help students earn their degree or certificate or credits, but we are also here to show them what makes our disciplines worthy of study and empower them to exercise their curiosity and agency. I believe we need to push back against the automation and regimentation of higher education by building meaningful and high-impact experiences into our curriculum. Empowering students with authentic research experiences and watching them react to the natural world with awe and excitement is the best thing I do at work. Topics in my lecture will range from parasitic worms and dung beetles to the student experience at SLCC to the state of higher education.
Melissa received an MA in Biology with an emphasis in Ecology and Systematics from San Francisco State University and a PhD in Neurobiology and Anatomy from the University of Utah.
Previous Distinguished Faculty Lecturers
- 2024 — Kristi M. Green, Ph.D
- 2023 — Anne Canavan
- 2022 — Adam Dastrup
- 2021 — Craig E. Ferrin
- 2020 — Jane Drexler
- 2019 — Marlena Stanford
- 2018 — Lon Schiffbauer
- 2017 — John Close
- 2016 — Ted Moore
- 2015 — Melissa Helquist
- 2014 — Karen Kwan
- 2013 — Lisa Bickmore
- 2012 — Tiffany Rousculp
- 2011 — Anne Graham
- 2010 — Jason Pickavance
- 2009 — Harry Hughes
- 2008 — Lynn Kilpatrick
- 2007 — Howard Ingle
- 2006 — Danny A.C. Martinez and Sharon DeReamer
- 2005 — Randal Chase
- 2005 — Katherine Bruner
- 2004 — Rodayne Esmay and Deidre Ann Tyler
- 2003 — Lynn Suksdorf , Larry Hancock, and Sheila Chambers
- 2002 — John Fritz
- 2000 — Paul Lerdahl
- 1998 — Dorleen Jenson
- 1997 — Grace Vlam
- 1996 — Ron Valcarce and Clifton Sanders
- 1995 — Katherine McIntyre
- 1994 — Terry Martin