Welcome New Faculty to SLCC!
Thank you for choosing to share your experience and expertise with us as a faculty member at SLCC. We hope to create a welcoming and inclusive working, teaching, and learning environment for you.
Whether you are a full-time faculty member with a full teaching load or an adjunct faculty member teaching a single evening class, we understand that with 8 campuses and 50,000+ students each year, it can be tough to learn everything you need to know before your first day of class begins.
This page is designed to welcome you to SLCC and provide you with the information you need to begin teaching. Please start at the New Faculty Checklist below. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to us in the Faculty Teaching and Learning Center.
New Faculty Checklist
- Complete the required Onboarding Forms online
- Complete your I-9 verification prior to your start date. From this site you will also be able to retrieve your MySLCC Username and your Employee ID number as well as learn how to set up direct deposit and obtain your SLCC Parking Permit.
- SLCC OneCard ID card
- Visit the HR site for faculty
- Learn about the full-time faculty handbook, compensation, adjunct faculty workload limits, and more.
- Learn about and enroll (if applicable) in SLCC Benefits
- Visit Onboarding: Getting Started at SLCC to guide you through your first year at SLCC
Meet with your Associate Dean or Department Chair and the Administrative Assistant to connect about your course assignment(s), department-specific information, and other essential information to get you started.
- Contract & Compensation
- Course Assignment(s)
- Course Materials: Textbook, Syllabus, signature assignment information
- Request access to pre-designed Canvas course “shells”/template courses
- Determine classroom and office assignments for Key/Fob Request
- Review the Academic Calendar, contract days, and required department and college meetings.
- Discuss SLCC Technology access such as MySLCC, Microsoft Outlook, Canvas, etc. (Also see links below)
- Copy Machine Code
- Locate Faculty Support Centers
- Complete Required Training within 90 days of email prompt.
- Adjunct faculty, notify your department when you have completed your Required Training to receive compensation (one hour per training).
- Laptop checkout available in Faculty Support Centers.
- Connect your device to Campus Wi-Fi using Eduroam
- Eduroam is the wifi network that all SLCC campuses use. Connecting to eduroam will ensure a secure network and help you access what you need while on campus.
- Access and familiarize yourself with the MySLCC portal.
- This is the site students and faculty use to access essential resources like class rosters, employee records, Microsoft Office, etc.
- Access Microsoft Outlook and additional Microsoft 365 resources.
- Outlook Login: [UserName]@slcc.edu and SLCC Password
- Access and download Microsoft 365
- Sign up for Microsoft MFA (multi-factor authentication)
- New Employee IT Orientation Guide
- Familiarize yourself with the Canvas LMS to be ready to prepare your courses.
- Connect your computer to classroom technology prior to first day of teaching.
- Contact SLCC Helpdesk with technology support questions: (801) 957-5555
- Register for the Emergency Alert System
New Faculty Orientations are held every August, January, and May before the start of the academic semester.
The New Faculty Cohort Program runs monthly throughout faculty’s first academic year. These meetings are held the first Friday of the month, 10am-12pm in the Professional Development Center, TB225D, Taylorsville Campus.
Spring 2025 New Faculty Orientation Events
New Faculty Pre-Orientation Workshop (virtual)
Tuesday, December 17, 2024
5:00 - 6:30 P.M.
Register with code FD31
The pre-orientation workshop is a virtual opportunity to connect with SLCC and the Faculty Teaching and Learning Center. During this workshop, we’ll give an introduction to teaching at SLCC, connect you with campus resources, and answer questions you may have.
Virtual events will be hosted using Zoom. Please be sure that your camera and microphone are working and that you are prepared to actively engage in the session, which may include breakout rooms.
Introduction to Community College Teaching course (online)
Self-paced, about 2.5 hours long, complete prior to New Faculty Orientation
Register with code FD72
This course is designed specifically for new faculty at SLCC, offering insights into our institution's vision, mission, and values, empowering you to effectively teach our students. Modules in this course focus on who our SLCC students are, designing a course lecture, active learning strategies, assessing students, and exploring ways to work with challenging situations in teaching. The course also includes an introduction to the Canvas learning management system.
New Faculty Orientation (virtual)
Wednesday, January 8, 2025
Register with code FD31
Join the Faculty Teaching and Learning Center for a warm welcome from college leaders, insights from our Faculty Support Centers, and essential training on accessibility, classroom management, and active learning. We're excited to help you start your journey with us!
Virtual events will be hosted using Zoom. Please be sure that your camera and microphone are working and that you are prepared to actively engage in the session, which may include breakout rooms.
Meet Your Department Lunch (Taylorsville Campus TB 225D)
Thursday, January 9, 2025
12:00 - 1:00 P.M.
Register with code FD31
Join us for the "Meet Your Department" lunch event, where new faculty can connect with their academic departments, ask questions, and receive support as they begin their teaching journey at SLCC. This is a great opportunity to build relationships and get off to a strong start!
The FTLC will include vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free options for this meal.
Register for these new faculty events in the SLCC Registration System
Registration Instructions
- To register for Orientation, go to MySLCC and look for the Employee Training Card.
- Click on “Development Opportunities (Non-required Training)”.
- Click on “Registration Portal”.
- Click on "Register for Training".
- Choose "Faculty Development" in the dropdown for Training / Department.
- Select “FD31 – New Faculty Orientation Events” and click “Search”.
- Click on “View Details” by the events.
- Add any necessary information and click "Register" at the bottom of the page.
The Faculty Teaching & Learning Center (FTLC) provides a range of professional development opportunities throughout your career at SLCC. Please see the FTLC Catalog for information about opportunities to engage. Other departments also provide professional development opportunities.